Important Dates
Deadline for submission of papers:
April 15, 2025
Notification of Acceptance / Rejection:
April 22, 2025
Conference Dates:
May 15-16, 2025
Submission E-mail
Paper Submission
Please prepare your paper in MS Word according to the following instructions. And submit your paper and the Paper Submission Form by email attachments to by the given deadline. All papers should be no less than 4 pages (≥4) in length.
Before you send the manuscript and Paper Submission Form to the, please make sure your manuscript file have a filename “(Topic field) Paper title.doc”.
For example:
(01) Language. doc
(01)Paper submission form.xls
IN CHINESE (中国作者投稿指南)
1. 中英文均可投稿,组委会代办汉译英论文翻译,汉语论文可直接投稿,翻译费100字/12元(以字符数不计空格统计)。
2. 论文需包含题目、作者姓名、单位、城市、国家、摘要、关键词、引言、正文(可分若干章节,每章节须有标题)、结语、参考文献等部分。
3. 建议按照模板的格式编排(最好是在模板的基础上替换原文内容)。论文长度:英文论文2000至6000词,中文论文4500至9000字。
4. 请采用邮件附件的形式, 将论文初稿以及填写完毕的论文作者登记表发送到邮箱
5. 本次会议采取先投稿、先送审、符合条件者先发送录用通知方式进行。审稿周期约为1周。