2020 International Conference on Language, Communication and Culture Studies

Important Dates

Deadline for submission of papers:
Oct. 01, 2020
Notification of Acceptance / Rejection:
Oct. 08, 2020
Conference Dates:
Oct. 28-29, 2020

Submission E-mail


Review Past

Invited Speakers

Dr. Andrei V. Paribok, Saint Petersburg State University, Russia

Difficulties and Perspetives of Parametrical Conception of Language.


https://spbu.academia.edu/Андрей Парибок

Dr. Dragana M. Ratković, Serbian Language Institute of SASA, Serbia

The conceptual sphere of Red Square in the poetry of Aleksandar Petrov 

Abstract: Aleksandar Petrov, Serbian-Russian poet, novelist scholar and university professor is a cosmopolitan rooted in two cultural traditions (Serbian and Russian). The conceptual sphere of HOMELAND assumes a special position in his poetry. The aim of this paper is to analyse the conceptual sphere of RED SQUARE, the heart of Moscow, in the poetic cycle bearing the same name, which was the first cycle Petrov wrote in Russian (1972) and in his poem “Poetry in an Empty Dress” (1973) written in Serbian. While the conceptual sphere of RUSSIA is positive, involving emotions and nostalgia, the conceptual sphere of the RED SQUARE is negative i.e. associated with the criticism of Soviet Communist  rule. The Red Square refers to the specific, Soviet aspect of Russia rather than to the Russia reaching beyond transitory political ideologies.

Dr. Cao Guangtao, Guangdong University of Education, Guangzhou, China

Research on English Translation of Cross-Border E-commerce based on Functional Equivalence Theory

Abstract:  With the development of globalization, it promotes the development of cross-border e-commerce. In the exchange and development of international business, the translation of cross-border e-commerce English plays an irreplaceable role and becomes an important means of international business communication. This paper will use the functional equivalence theory to analyze the characteristics and strategies of cross-border e-commerce English translation and put forward to the corresponding translation strategies, and further demonstrate that Nida’s “equivalence” should not be mechanically applied, but to achieve the most natural equivalence. 





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